Senior Researchers
Dorit Roer-Strier

Dorit Roer-Strier is a professor at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welafare and the director of NEVET. She is a qualitative researcher and specializes in context informed research and practice in the area of families and children in diverse cultural contexts. She has clinical training and practical experience in the areas of child and family therapy.
Heidi Keller

HEIDI KELLER is a Professor emeritus of Psychology at the University of Osnabrück and the international director of NEVET, the Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her interests concern the interrelationship between culture and biology for the understanding of human development. She has done extensive (longitudinal) research in diverse cultural contexts across the globe and taught at different universities in different countries. She received several awards, among them the APA award and the award for career achievement from the German Society of Psychology in 2014. She is interested in the application of basic science for application in the counselling/clinical as well as educational fields, especially with respect to the implementation of culture sensitive approaches. She is currently also concentrating on the development of culture sensitive approaches to attachment and their implementation in practice.
Yochay Nadan

Dr. Yochay Nadan is a Senior Lecturer at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Nadan focuses on cultural and cross-cultural aspects of research, direct practice and training; cultural aspects of children in at-risk situations, including abuse and neglect; and clinical social work with families. Alongside his academic career, Yochay is a certified marital and family therapist.
Dafna Tener

Dr. Tener is a faculty member at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has studied child sexual abuse for the past ten years, has conducted numerous research projects focusing on survivors, families and professionals’ perceptions of sexual abuse, and has specialized in qualitative research methods as well as mixed research methods. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Crimes Against Children Research Center supervised by Professor David Finkelhor, and is currently a research fellow at the Haruv institute, a training and research center in the field of child maltreatment and a member of NEVET.
Carmit Katz

Professor Carmit Katz is a faculty member at the Bob Shapell School of Social Work at Tel Aviv University and the research director at Haruv Institute. Prof. Katz specializes in child maltreatment. Her research and operations within the field revolve around four main axes: The first is direct discourse with abused children; the second is promotion and development of services and interventions for children affected by domestic trauma; the third is the study of family dynamics in abuse cases; the fourth is abuse prevention. She believes that the prevention of maltreatment and neglect is a moral obligation of utmost importance and that professionals from all disciplines must strive to discourse with the children themselves in relation to their life contexts. Those beliefs are at the basis of her entire work. She is also the founder of The Israeli Public Committee for Policy Change on Child Sexual Abuse and the International Group of Scholars Protecting Children from Maltreatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. ISPCAN has recognized the group as a leading group in children’s safety during a global pandemic. Prof. Katz is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Child Maltreatment, published by Springer
Orna shemer

Dr. Shemer is a faculty member at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Shemer teaching and research areas are related to collaborative and participation processes, community practice, cultural competence practice , intentional communities, rural communities (such as Kibbutz) and poverty. Dr. Shemer is a community social worker and her fields of specialty include: Enhance processes of participation in organizations; Development processes in organizations and communities with special emphasize on the importance of knowledge-from-experience; Methodology of Learning From Successes; and Participatory action research (PAR).
Yasmin Aboud-Halabi

Yasmin Aboud-Halabi, PhD, is a lecturer and a researcher in social work department at
Emeak Israeel College and a researcher fellow at Nevet –Greenhouse of Context-
Informed Research and Training for Children in Need at the Paul Baerwald
School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her
research focuses on the uniqueness of the Arab minority in Israel with respect to nationality,
ethnicity, rural, locality and religion as contexts for researching the role of the family in
coping with developmental tasks of children and adolescents. In her research she utilizes both
quantitative and qualitative methods in order to develop extended and valid knowledge and to
collaborate with research teams that holds a diverse methodological orientation.
Dr. Aboud-Halabi is in charge of the quantitative research team in NEVET’s national
“family group conference” study, dealing with family based context-sensitive assessment, for planning interventions for children at risk.
Timothy Sim Boon-wee

Prof. Timothy Sim is an Associate Professor, at S R Nathan School of Human Development, Singapore University of Social Sciences.
His interests concern the Disaster management (particularly earthquake disaster risk reduction and response, with a focus on resilience, culture and children)
Practice research development and application in Asia
Family therapy development and application in Asia (particularly multi-family therapy)
Family relationships and Adolescent behavioural problems in Asia (particularly adolescent drug abuse, video gaming addiction, gambling, delinquency and conduct problems).
Jill E Korbin

Jill E. Korbin earned her Ph.D. in 1978 from the University of California at Los Angeles. Korbin is a cultural and medical anthropologist. Her awards include the Margaret Mead Award (1986) from the American Anthropological Association and the Society for Applied Anthropology; a Congressional Science Fellowship (1985-86) through the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Society for Research in Child Development; and the Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at Case Western Reserve University. Korbin served on the National Research Council’s Panel on Research on Child Abuse and Neglect, and the Institute of Medicine’s Panel on Pathophysiology and Prevention of Adolescent and Adult Suicide. She is senior advisor of the Schubert Center for Child Studies and co-director of the Childhood Studies Program.
Orya Tishby

Prof. Orya Tishby is a clinical psychologist and researcher at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare and in the department of psychology, at the Hebrew University. She is also the director of the Freud Center for research in psychoanalysis. Orya completed her BA and MA at the Hebrew University. She earned a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, New Jersey, and received the NJ best dissertation award. Orya's research focuses on change process in psychodynamic therapy (specifically short-term) and the therapeutic relationship. As a member of NEVET, she is part of a research team studying immigrant parents and their perceptions of child rearing and parent-child relationships. Orya also works as a therapist with adolescents, young adults and parents.
Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian is the Lawrence D. Biele Chair in Law at the Faculty of Law-Institute of Criminology and the School of Social Work and Public Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Global Chair in Law- Queen Mary University of London. Her research focuses on trauma, state crimes and criminology, surveillance, gender violence, law and society. She studies the crime of femicide and other forms of gendered based violence, violence against children in conflict ridden areas, crimes of abuse of power in settler colonial contexts, surveillance, securitization and social control.
Shalhoub-Kevorkian is the author of numerous books among them “Militarization and Violence Against Women in Conflict Zones in the Middle East: The Palestinian Case Study” published in 2010; “Security Theology, Surveillance and the Politics of Fear”, published by Cambridge University Press, 2015. She just published a new book examining Palestinian childhood entitled: “Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding”, and a new edited book entitled: Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones”, and is currently co-editing two new book on the sacralization of politics and its effect on human suffering, and Islam and gender based violence.
She has published articles in multi-disciplinary fields including British Journal of Criminology, Feminist Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, State Crime, Violence Against Women, Social Science and Medicine, Signs, Law & Society Review, International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies.
As a resident of the old city of Jerusalem, Shalhoub-Kevorkian is a prominent local activist. She engages in direct actions and critical dialogue to end the inscription of power over Palestinian children’s lives, spaces of death, and women’s birthing bodies and lives.
سيرة ذاتية مختصرة:
نادرة شلهوب- كيفوركيان
باحثة فلسطينيّة، تشغل كرسيّ لورانس دي-بييل في معهد علم الإجرام في كلية الحقوق وكلية الخدمة الاجتماعية والرفاه الاجتماعيّ في الجامعة العبريّة في القدس. كما وتعمل كأستاذة كرسي في القانون العالمي في جامعة لندن QMUL. تتمحور أبحاثها في مجال علم النفس- الاجتماعي، القانون والمجتمع، المعاناة الإنسانية والالم في واقع الاستيلاب، والسلطة والقوّة. وتبحث في مجال جرائم الدولة المرتكبة بحق النساء والأطفال وبأشكال أخرى من العنف المُجَنْدَر، وجرائم سوء استخدام السلطة في السياقات الاستيطانيّة الكولونياليّة، والرقابة والترصّد، والخبيرة في ثيولوجيا الأمن الإسرائيلية، وتحليل الصدمات النفسيّة في المناطق المعسكَرة والخاضعة للاستعمار. ومن إصدارات شلهوب- كيفوركيان عدة كتب منها كتاب بعنوان: “العسكرة والعنف ضدّ النساء في مناطق الصراع في الشرق الأوسط: دراسة الحالة الفلسطينيّة". كما صدر عام ٢٠١٥ من منشورات جامعة كامبريدج، كتاب بعنوان: "ثيولوجيا الأمن، الرقابة وسياسات الخوف"؛ وصدر كتابها الأخير في أيلول ٢٠١٩ بعنوان: " الطفولة المحتجزة وسياسات نزع الطفولة".
وقد حازت مقالاتها العديدة في الدوريات العلمية على جوائز مختلفة، منها مؤخرا مقالتها: "احتلال الحواس: ترقيع وتجميل إرهاب الدولة" التي نشرت في الدورية البريطانية في علم الاجرام، على جائزة رادزيوبتش لافضل مقالة نشرت عام ٢٠١٧.، كما وحصلت عام ٢٠٢٠ على جائزة الجمعية العالمية لدراسات الإبادة الجماعية. تسكن شلهوب- كيفوركيان في البلدة القديمة من القدس، وهي ناشطة نسويّة، وشاركت في أنشطة مباشرة وفي حوارات بغية إنهاء تحكم السلطة بحياة العائلات الفلسطينية، بما في ذلك النساء والأطفال، وبفضاءات الموت والحياة.
Ruth Pat-Horenczyk

Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a clinical psychologist who received her Ph.D. from the Hebrew University and completed her post-doctoral training at the University of California in San Diego. Her current research topics focus on risk and protective factors for childhood PTSD, relational trauma, emotion regulation and posttraumatic growth. Ruth's current research project is on “Predicting effective adaptation to breast cancer to help women to BOUNCE back” with experts from the fields of oncology, computer modeling, psychology, and social medicine from Finland, Israel, Greece, Italy and Portugal.
Iris Zadok

Dr Iris Zadok is a social worker and an early childhood specialist. She is a lecturer and a researcher at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University. She is the head of the fieldwork division at the School of Social Work and is a lecturer in the Graduate Program in Early Childhood Studies. In addition to teaching several courses in that program that focus on families of young children and observing children in their educational frameworks, she is the practicum coordinator and supervises students in their fieldwork placements. In her clinical work, Dr. Zadok works with traumatized infants, children and their families. She is a graduate of the Child-Parent Psychotherapy Training Program (CPP) and the "Training the Trainee" program.
Naomi Shmuel

Dr. Naomi Shmuel is an author and anthropologist specializing in families in transition, and in training professionals (teachers, social workers, psychologists, medical professionals etc.) for working with human diversity. Her research focusses on the process of continuance and change across generations amongst Ethiopian immigrant families in Israel. Dr. Shmuel is the coordinator of Nevet’s context-informed training program for professionals working in culturally diverse environments. Her original prize winning children’s books are widely used throughout Israel in schools and pre-school programs to foster cross-cultural understanding and tolerance. She uses her children’s books to initiate discussions on sensitive topics (such as immigration, refugees, identity and belonging) in her academic courses and professional workshops. Naomi teaches courses on multiculturalism, identity and context awareness.
See more:
Hanita Kosher

Dr. Hanita Kosher is a researcher and a lecturer at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Hanita's research and teachings focus on issues relating to children's well-being, children's rights and child abuse and neglect. Between 2007 to 2015 she was the head of the education center of the National Council of the Child, which is the leading advocacy organization for children's rights in Israel. Today, Hanita works at the Haruv institute and at the Legal Aid Department for Children and Youth at the Ministry of Justice.
Maya Benish-Weisman

Dr. Maya Benish-Weisman is researcher and a Senior Lecturer at The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She received her PhD in the Psychology Depratment at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Psychology Department at the Graduate Center, the City University of New York. She was a Senior Lecture in Counseling and Human Development Department at the University of Haifa and was the head of the Educational Counseling program. Her research focuses on values and social behavior among adolescents, the relations between values trajectories and youth adjustment and the psychological effect of immigration especially on ethnic identity.
Hadass Moore

Hadass Moore, PhD, MSW, is a lecturer and a researcher at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on populations experiencing homelessness, and the intersection between education and social work. In her work she examines the role of larger contextual factors in the lives of placed-at- risk children and youth, and in particular, school settings. This focus is based on her practice experience with immigrant and asylum-seeking youth, and her work in the field of mental health. Dr. Moore utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods in order to understand the nestedness of homeless children and youth within the different systems. Her work is geared towards advancing both local and larger policies that improve the lives of placed-at- risk children and youths and towards the conceptualization and creation of applicable research in this area. Dr. Moore has published in peer-reviewed journals and has presented her work at various conferences to diverse audiences internationally as her work sits in the intersection of multiple disciplines and areas. She currently works on several research projects in the areas of homelessness and school-community relationship in Israel, the U.S. and the Netherlands.
Edith Blit Cohen

Edith Blit-Cohen is a professor at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare and the Head of the Joseph J. Schwartz M.A. Programs- Early Childhood Studies and Non-profit and Community organizations Management, and the Head of the Community Social Work track in the BSW Program. She is a community social worker, a lecturer and a researcher. She has practical experience in community work, community development and human rights. Her researches focus on excluded communities, politics of identities and community work.
Yael Dayan
M.A. 1985, Hebrew University. Teacher 1990; Senior Teacher 2001
Research Interests:
Early childhood education – provisions, intervention programs, curriculum.
Children's perspectives research
Early childhood teacher education and supervision