The book Resilience in Immigration was written by Shelley Ingdau, who has finished her doctorate thesis in NEVET in 2020. Her book is based on her master's thesis under the supervision of Dr. Yale Dayan
The book analyzes the reality of Ethiopians in Israel in the perspective of resilience and time. Starting with the journey from Ethiopia through Sudan to Israel, absorption in Israel, dealing with racism, the relationship between the Ethiopian community and the authorities, the internal community relations of Ethiopians - a comparison between the story of the individual and the story of the community.
For the purpose of the study, 20 women and men who immigrated to Israel via Sudan were interviewed, while they were preschool children, and adults who lived in the researcher's home village were also interviewed. We chose to launch the book in collaboration with the community. The people that interviewed for the book spoke and told about the main themes.
Except for one launch at the university, the rest of the launches took place in Ethiopian restaurants and they were the main organizers.
Read more about the book: here.