Publications of Nevet's members by topics:
- Context-Informed Perspective
Children's rights and well-being
- Children’s development in context-informed perspective
- Children's perspectives on risk and protection
- Parental and Professional perceptions of risk and protection
- Child sexual abuse: A contextual perspective
- Family-group-conference-model-families-children-risk
- Immigration and Family Life
- The LGBT Community
- Coping and Resilience Facing Medical Illness
- National Identity
- Cultural competence and social work
- Becoming a Qualitative Researcher
- Nevet's Book
Nezri-Sher, L. (2022). Evaluation of Nevet Greenhouse model and the mentoring program. [Master's thesis, the Hebrew University Jerusalem]. (Hebrew)
Roer-Strier, D. & Nadan, Y. (2021). At-risk children: revisiting myths in the risk discourse in light of a context-informed perspective. Social Security, 115, 19-39. [Hebrew]
Marey-Sarwan, I., & Ulitsa, N. (2020). Context-Informed Research on Child Risk and Protection: Principles and Challenges. In D. Roer-Strier, & Y. Nadan (Eds.), Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel (pp. 27-40). NY: Springer’s Child Maltreatment Series, Cham.
Roer-Strier, D., & Nadan, Y. (2020). Context-informed perspectives of child risk and protection in Israel. NY: Springer’s Child Maltreatment Series, Cham.
Nadan, Y. & Korbin, J. (2019). Cultural context, intersectionality, and child Vulnerability. Childhood Vulnerability Journal. (Epub ahead of print)
Nadan, Y. (2016). Child protection in multicultural context. In B. Schwarzer, U. Kämmerer-Rütten, A. Schleyer-Lindenmann, & Y. Wang (Eds.), Transnational Social Work and Social Welfare: Challenges for the Social Work Profession (pp. 181-185). New York, NY: Routledge
Nadan, Y., Spilsbury, J. & Korbin, J. (2015). Culture and context in understanding child maltreatment: Contributions of intersectionality and neighborhood-based research. Child Abuse & Neglect, 41, 40–48.
Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N., & Roer-Strier, D. (2016). Context-informed, counter-hegemonic qualitative research: Insights from an Israeli/Palestinian research team studying loss. Qualitative Social Work, 15(4), 552-569.
Aharoni, H., Kadman, I., & Kosher, H. (2011). Children's and youth's rights in Israel. In H., Aharoni (Ed.), Educational social work in Israel (pp. 113-185). Jerusalem: Advance Publishing House. (Hebrew)
Andresen, S., Bradshaw, J., & Kosher, H. (2019). Editorial: Young children's perceptions of their lives and well-being. Child Indicators Resaerch.
Bella Kovner and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (2016). Children’s Rights, State Criminality and Settler Colonialism: Violence and Child Arrest in Occupied East Jerusalem, State Crime Journal 5(1): 109-138.
Bella Kovner and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (2017). Children, Human Rights Organizations, and the Law under Occupation: The Case of Palestinian Children in East Jerusalem. The International Journal of Human Rights.
Ben‐Arieh, A., & Kosher, H. (2019). Child Study Movement. The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, 1-15.
Ben-Arieh, A., Najenson, R., & Kosher, H. (2010). Children's rights to development in Israel: Perceptions and attitudes among Jews and Palestinian children. In: Morag, T. (Ed.), Children's rights and Israeli law (pp. 161-182). Tel-Aviv: Ramot. (Hebrew)
Kay-Tzadok, A., Ben-Arieh, A., & Kosher, H. (2018). Hope, material resources and subjective well-being of 8- to 12-year-old children in Israel. Child Development.
Kosher, H. (2018). What children and parents think about children's right to participation? The international Journal for Children's Rights.
Kosher, H., & Ben-Arieh, A. (2012). Implementation of the convention on the rights of the child in Israel. In C. V. Alcaide (Ed.), Comments on the reports of the committee on the rights of the child. Barcelona, Spain: University of Barcelona.
Nadan, Y., & Kaye-Tzadok, A. (2019). The virtual arena: A call for a new domain of child subjective well-being. Child Indicators Research, 12(2), 461-477.
מרעי-סרואן, א' (2020). התקשרות בקרב תינוקות בדואים מהכפרים הבלתי מוכרים בנגב: מחקר מודע-הֶקשר. חוקרים @ הגיל הרך, 11:
Marey-Sarwan, I. (2016). Cultural perspective of the Attachment Theory (In Arabic). Al-Nibras journal.
Marey Sarwan, I. (2016). Attachment and Risk from a Context -Informed Perspectives: Bedouin Families, in the Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab. the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Social Work (pp. 135).
Marey-Sarwan, I., Keller, H., & Otto, H. (2016). Stay Close to me: Stranger Anxiety and Maternal Beliefs about Children’s Socio-emotional Development among Bedouins in the Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab. The Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (JCCP), 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/0022022115619231. (This article was chosen as the lead article for the April issue of JCCP).
Alter, O. P. M. (2022). Children during coronavirus: Israeli preschool children’ s perspectives. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3.
Katz, C., Tener, D., Nadan, Y. & Roer-Strier, D. (2020). “What’s love got to do with it?” How children use the concept of love during forensic interviews following child abuse. Children and Youth Services Review. (Epub ahead of print)
Marey-Sarwan, I. (2019). 'Seeing through their eyes’: Towards understanding risk and protection perspectives of young Bedouin children in the unrecognized villages of the Naqab. Children & Society, 1-19. Published online doi:10.1111/chso.12364
Nadan, Y. & Ganz, Z. (2018). The perspective of Ultra-Orthodox children in Israel on risk and protection: The intersection of culture, religion, gender and age. Childhood, 25(3), 325-339.
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Ashter, S., Dayan, Y., Roer-Strier D. & Wahle, N. (2019). Agency in children’s perspectives. Megamot 54(2), 71-94 [Hebrew]
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Roer-Strier D., Dayan, Y., & Wahle, N. (2019). Children at Risk: Children’s Perspectives of Risk and Protection. In: T. Tulviste, D. L. Best & J. L. Gibbons (Eds.). Children’s social worlds in cultural context (pp. 201-216). Springer
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Dayan, Y., Wahle, N., & Roer-Strier, D. (2019). A Qualitative Interview With Young Children: What Encourages or Inhibits Young Children’s Participation?. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1609406919840516.
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Dayan, Y., Marey-Sarwan, I., Roer-Strier, D., & Wahle, N. (2020). Young Children’s Perspectives of Risk and Protection. In D. Roer-Strier, & Y. Nadan (Eds.), Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel (pp. 263-287). NY: Springer’s Child Maltreatment Series, Cham.
Wahle, N., Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Dayan, Y., Erlichman, O., & Roer-Strier, D. (2017). On the margins of racism, immigration and war: Perspectives on risk and protection of young children of Ethiopian origin in Israel. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 25(2), 305-320.
Katz, C., Tener, D., Marmor, A., Lusky-Weisrose, E., & Mordi, H. (2020). "Yes, My Uncle, I'll Do Whatever You Say": Experiences of Israeli Muslim Arab Children During Forensic Interviews Following Child Sexual Abuse. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260520943732.
Lusky-Weisrose, E., Marmor, A., & Tener, D. (2020). Sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community: a literature review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1524838020906548.
Nasim, R. & Nadan, Y. (2013). Couples therapy with childhood sexual abuse survivors (CSA) and their partners: Establishing a context for witnessing. Family Process, 52(3), 368-377.
Tarshish, N., Lusky E.& Tener, D .(2019). Sibling sexual abuse: Data from research on interventions with families in Jerusalem's child advocacy center. Society & Welfare, 3, 537-564. (In Hebrew).
Tener, D. (2019). “I love and hate him in the same breath”: Relationships of adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse with their perpetrating siblings. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.
Tener, D.& Tarshish, N. (2017). “Victim, perpetrator, or just my brother?” sibling sexual abuse in large families: A child advocacy center study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.
Tener, D. (2020). Perspectives on adolescent sexual relations with older persons: a systematic review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 21(2), 393-405.
Tener, D.(2018). The secret of intrafamilial child sexual abuse: Who keeps it and how?. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 27(1), 1-21.
Tener, D., & Katz, C. (2019). Preadolescent peer sexual abuse: a systematic literature review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1524838019869103.
Tener, D., Katz, C., & Kaufmann, Y. (2020). “And I Let It All Out”: Survivors’ Sibling Sexual Abuse Disclosures. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260519897326.
Tener, D., Katz, C., Marmor, A., & Lusky-Weisrose, E. (2020). "I was scared, like never in my life": Children's perspectives of nonfamilial sexual abuse within the Jewish ultra-orthodox community in Israel. Psychology of Violence. Advance online publication.
Tener, D., & Katz, C.(2018). “It's much more of a family issue than a legal one”: Examining the decision-making process of forensic interviewers in cases of sibling sexual abuse. German Journal of Pedagogy, 64, 111-124.
Tener, D., & Murphy, S. B.(2015). Adult disclosure of child sexual abuse: A literature review. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 16(4), 391-400.
Tener, D., Lusky, E.,& Tarshish, N. (2018). Parents therapeutic and legal experiences after the disclosure of sibling sexual abuse: Results from analyzing cases of families in a child advocacy center. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication.
Tener, D., Wolak, J., & Finkelhor, D.(2015). A typology of offenders who use online communications to commit sex crimes against minors. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 24(3), 319-337.
Tener, D.,Walsh, W.,Jones, L.& Kinnish, K.(2014). “It all depends on the guy and the girl": A qualitative study of youth experiences with statutory victimization relationships. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 23(8), 935-956.
Stokar, Y. N. & Pat-Horenczyk, R. (2021). Effects of end-of-life care on medical health professionals: A dialectical approach. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-8. https://
Stokar, Y.N. & Pat-Horenczyk, R. (2022). Themes of end-of-life care in memorable cases of medical health professionals: A mixed methods approach. Current Psychology.
Nadan, Y. (2019). The ethnographic interview as a method in multicultural social work education. Journal of Social Work Education.
Nadan, Y. (2017). Rethinking ‘Cultural Competence’ in international social work. International Social Work, 60(1), 74–83.
Nadan, Y. & Shemer, O. (2017). Community interpretation in the social services: Literature review and an exploratory study. (96 pages), Joint Distribution Committee-IDC and the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services.
Benitah, H. (2021). Perceptions of service providers in Israel on the implementation of Family Group Conference (FGC). [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem] (Hebrew)
Biton, G. (2021). Social Workers and Coordinators' Perceptions of Family Group Conference (FGC): Concerns, Relationships and the Quality of the Family Plan. [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem] (Hebrew)
Cohen, V. (2021). Perceptions of participants on the stages of preparation and group conference in the Family Group Conference (FGC). [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem] (Hebrew)
Mizrahi, L. (2021). The parent's perception ofFamily Group Conference (FGC) in relation to the relationship with the coordinator, the welfare system and the supporters, the degree of the child's risk and the quality of the planned family plan. [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem] (Hebrew)
Omer, M. (2021). Perceptions of "Getting on Track - Family Group Conference (FGC)" Child Welfare Program Implementation among Families and Supporters. [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem] (Hebrew)
Elkayam, M. N. (2019). Family Group Conference (FGC) in child welfare - Case Study in the Jewish ultra-orthodox community in Israel. [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem] (Hebrew)
Gutman, D. (2019). Family Group Conference (FGC) in Child Welfare - Case Study of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and Immigrants from Ethiopia. [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem]. (Hebrew)
אוליצה, נ., יונה, ל., ורואר-סטריאר, ד. (2018). ילדים בסיכון בעיני הורים בני "דור וחצי" להגירה מברית המועצות. מפגש לעבודה חינוכית-סוציאלית, כ''ו (47), 101-134
בירגר, ל' (2019). עבודה סוציאלית בעולם גלובלי: האם וכיצד עלינו לעבוד עם פליטים בישראל?. מידעו"ס
בלומברג, נ'. (2016). לגדל bébé בארץ: תפיסות והתמודדויות של אמהות מהגרות מצרפת בישראל. (עבודת גמר לקבלת תואר מוסמך). האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים.
שמואל, נ. (2020). דורות של תקווה: מסורת והעברה בין-דורית עם העלייה מאתיופיה. הוצאת פרדס. חיפה.
שמואל, נ' (2019). 'באתיופיה הכול היה אחרת' – משפחה, תקשורת ודרכי התמודדות בקרב ישראלים-אתיופים. פעמים: רבעון לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח. מכון בן-צבי. גיליון סתיו תש"ף. 93-136.
שמואל, נ. (2015). בטן מלאה דמעות. הוצאת פרדס. חיפה.
שמואל, נ' (2015). מעברים ולא פערים: קליטת יוצאי אתיופיה במערכת החינוך. גילוי דעת, 8, סמינר הקיבוצים, גיליון סתיו, 146-137.*
שמואל, נ' (2011). מסורות החינוך של יהודי אתיופיה: דינאמיקות של המשכיות ושינוי. הד האולפן החדש, 98, אביב.
שמואל, נ' (2010). מסורות החינוך של יהודי אתיופיה, דינאמיקות של המשכיות ושינוי. (עבודת גמר לקבלת תואר מוסמך בפולקלור). האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים.
שמואל, נ' (2009). את אבא אין מאשימים כפי שאת השמיים אין חורשים. עט השדה, 3, 36-40.
Zakael Peer, T. (2023). Volunteering experiences of professionals and their perceptions regarding the effects of the Russia Ukraine war on refugee mothers and children. [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem]. (Hebrew)
Ghatan, B. (2022). "I am Mizrahi in a Different Sort of way": The Experience and Perception of Ethnic Identity and its Meaning Among Young Mizrahi Students in Israel. [Master's thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem] (Hebrew)
Birger L. (2020) “Permanent Temporariness:” Eritrean Refugees and Social Workers’ Perceptions of Israeli Policies and Their Implications for Family Well-Being. In: Roer-Strier D., Nadan Y. (eds) Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel. Child Maltreatment (Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy), vol 10. Springer, Cham.
Birger, L. (2018). Aadvocating for asylum seekers’ rights is social workers duty. Opinion article, Haaretz newspaper (Hebrew).
Birger, L., & Peled, E. (2017). Intimate strangers: Eritrean male asylum seekers’ perceptions of marriage and sexuality. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 1-14.
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Kurman, J. and Roer-Strier D. (2017). The role of resilience in the adjustment of immigrant youth who experienced filial responsibility. Society and Welfare, 37(1), 59-85. [Hebrew]
Shmuel, N. (2017). Family and Tradition in Cultural Transition: from Ethiopia to Israel. (Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy).
Ulitsa, N., Keller, H., & Otto, H. (2017). Training 3-Month-Old babies for the future: Reflections of maternal beliefs in interactional practices in immigrants from FSU living in Israel. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(2), 135-155.
Wahle, N., Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Dayan, Y., Erlichman, O., & Roer-Strier D. (2017). On the margins of race, immigration and war: Perspectives on risk and protection of young children from the Ethiopian community in Israel. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 25(2), 305-320.
Ponizovsky, Y., The Multifaceted Phenomenon of Post-Migration Filial Responsibility: Young Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel. (2015). 145 pp., Language: English. Submitted to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Under the supervision of Prof. Roer-Strier, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Prof. Kurman, Haifa University.
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., & Kosner, A. (2015). Psychological adjustment of immigrant youth from FSU in Israel: The aspects of language and cultural brokering. Israeli Ministry of Education, Hed Haulpan, 104, 89-104. [Hebrew]
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Kurman, J., & Roer-Strier, D. (2015). Adjustment enhancer or moderator? The Role of resilience in postmigration filial responsibility. Journal of Family Psychology, 29(3), 438-446.
Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Y., Kurman, J., & Roer-Strier, D. (2015). Immigrant's emotional reactions to filial responsibilities and related psychological outcomes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 45, 104-115.
Ponizovsky, Y. Dimitrova, R., Schachner, M.K., & van de Schoot, R. (2013). The Satisfaction With Life Scale: Measurement invariance across immigrant groups. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 526-532.
Ponizovsky, Y., Kurman, J., & Roer Strier, D. (2012). When role reversal and brokering meet: Filial responsibility among young immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 987-997.
Shmuel, N. (2010). Educational Traditions of Ethiopian Jewry: The Dynamics of Continuity & Change. (Unpublished Master's thesis).
מרעי-סרואן, א' (2010). "אנחנו בין הפטיש לסדן": חווית הפגיעה בבית במלחמת לבנון השנייה והשלכותיה על הפלסטינים בצפון הארץ. האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים (140 עמודים).
Bella Kovner and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (2016). Children’s Rights, State Criminality and Settler Colonialism: Violence and Child Arrest in Occupied East Jerusalem, State Crime Journal 5(1): 109-138.
Bella Kovner and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (2017). Child Arrest, Settler Colonialism, and the Israeli Juvenile System: A Case Study of Occupied East Jerusalem. The British Journal of Criminology.
Bella Kovner and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (2017). Children, Human Rights Organizations, and the Law under Occupation: The Case of Palestinian Children in East Jerusalem. The International Journal of Human Rights.
Marey-Sarwan, I., Roer-Strier, D., & Strier, R. (In print). Blurring the borders with Anzaldúa in context-informed, anti-oppressive research: The case of Bedouin women. British Journal of Social Work
Marey-Sarwan, I. (2020). Personal Trauma and National Identity: The Experience of the Attacks on the of Palestinian Citizens of Israel’s Homes During the Second Lebanon War. Social Identities, 1-16. Published online:
עבוד-חלבי, י., ג'בר, ל. וסדרצה, י. (2023). נקודת מבטם של אבות ערבים-פלסטינים אזרחי ישראל על המצבים המסכנים ילדים בקהילתם: המקרה של פרוזדור ירושלים. חברה ורווחה, מ"ג, 2, 301-280.
Gemara, N., & Nadan, Y. (2020). “He Who Spareth the Rod Hateth His Son”: Perceptions Regarding Corporal Punishment Among Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Fathers in Israel. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260520908026.
Gemara, N., Nadan, Y., & Roer-Strier, D. (2020). Social workers’ constructions of child risk and protection in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. Journal of Social Work, 1468017320956966.
Keesing, R. (2015). Ultraorthodox (Haredi) Mothers Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection. a thesis submitted for a M.A degree. The Hebrew University. (In Hebrew).
Keesing, R., Gemara, N., & Pollak, M. (2020). Parental and Professional Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Community. In Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel (pp. 81-104). Springer, Cham.
Marey-Sarwan, I., & Meir, G. (2020). Parental and Professional Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Unrecognized Bedouin Villages in the Naqab: An Intersectionality-Informed Approach. In D. Roer-Strier, & Y. Nadan (Eds.), Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel (pp. 149-170). Springer’s Child Maltreatment Series, Cham.
Marey-Sarwan, I., & Roer-Strier, D. (2017). Parent's Perceptions of Risk for Children: Case Study of Bedouin Parents from Unrecognized Villages in Israel. Social Service Review, 91(2), 171-202.
Marey-Sarwan, I., Otto, H., Roer-Strier, D., & Keller, H. (2015). Parenting among the Arab Bedouins in the Naqab desert in Israel: Children are a gift from God. In G. Nicolas, A. Bejarano., & D. L. Lee (Eds.), Contemporary parenting: A global perspective (pp. 105-123). New York and London: Routledge.
Marey-Sarwan, I., Roer-Strier, D., & Otto, H. (2017, July 20). Contextualizing Risk and Protection: Perceptions of Bedouin Mothers from Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication.
Nadan, Y., Gemara, N., Keesing, R., Bamberger, E., Roer-Strier, D., Korbin, J. (2018). ‘Spiritual Risk’: A Parental Perception of Risk for Children in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Community, The British Journal of Social Work, Advanced online publication.
Nadan, Y., Roer-Strier. D., Gemara, N., Engdaw-Vanda, S., & Tener, D. (2018). In the eyes of the beholder: Parental and professional value mismatch in child risk and protection in two communities in Israel. International Journal of Psychology, 53(S2), 23-33.
Spilsbury, J., Nadan, Y., Kaye-Tzadok, A., Korbin, J., Jespersen, B., & Allen, B. (2018). Caregivers’ perceptions and attitudes toward child maltreatment: A pilot case study in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Cleveland, USA. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy, and Practice, 1(1), 19-40.
Tener, D., & Nadan, Y. (2019, October). Parental and Professional Value Mismatch in Child Risk and Protection. In World Conference on Qualitative Research (Vol. 1, pp. 312-313). doi:
Tener, D., Lusky, E.,& Tarshish, N. (2018). Parents therapeutic and legal experiences after the disclosure of sibling sexual abuse: Results from analyzing cases of families in a child advocacy center. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication.
צפתי, צ., & נדן, י. (2020)תקציר דו"ח מחקר- חוויותיהם של הורים לצעירים.רות על הקשת הטרנסג'נדרית: מפגיעות לעוצמה.
Tsfati, M., & Ben-Ari, A. (2019). Between the social and the personal: Israeli male gay parents, surrogacy and socio-political concepts of parenthood and gender. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 15(1), 42-57.
Tsfati, M., & Ben-Ari, A. (2019). Between subversion to re-affirmation: homonormativism, homonationalism and male same-sex family. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(8), 861-872.
Tsfati, M. & Nadan, Y. (2020). “The best period of my life”: The academy as a safe haven for Israeli trans students. Journal of Gender Studies, 29(3), 338-348.
Tsfati, M., & Nadan, Y. (2020). Queering the periphery and challenging the center: Transgender students in Israeli higher education. Gender, Place & Culture, 1-22.
Tsfati, M., Nadan, Y., Biton, N., & Serdtse, Y. (2020). Fatherhood as a Spatial-Contextual Phenomenon: Israeli Gay Fathers through Surrogacy. Men and Masculinities, 1097184X19896830.
מרעי-סרואן, א', רואר-סטריאר, ד' וסטריאר, ר' (2020). בין לבין: הגבול בין מחקר לפרקטיקה כאתר להתנגדות. בתוך מ' קרומר-נבו, ר' סטריאר, וע' ווייס-גל (עורכים), ביקורת בפעולה: פרקטיקות ביקורתיות בשדה החברתי בישראל (עמ' 377-351). תל-אביב: רסלינג.
Marey-Sarwan I., Ulitsa N. (2020) Context-Informed Research on Child Risk and Protection: Principles and Challenges. In: Roer-Strier D., Nadan Y. (eds) Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel. Child Maltreatment (Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy), vol 10. Springer, Cham.
Gemara, N. (2020). An Ultra-Orthodox Researcher: Oxymoron or Opportunity? A Typology of Appearances of Conflicting Identities of an Insider Researcher. In Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel (pp. 305-315). Springer, Cham.
Tener, D., Marmor, A., Weisrose, E. L., Almog-Zaken, A., Filtser, T. M., & Turjeman, S. (2020). Disclosing Sexual Abuse in Religious Communities in Israel: Lessons Learned by the Research Group on Child Sexual Abuse. In Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel (pp. 289-304). Springer, Cham.
Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel
Dorit Roer-Strier & Yochay Nadan
Seies editors: Richard Krugman and Jill Korbin
This volume adopts a context-informed framework exploring risk, maltreatment, well-being and protection of children in diverse groups in Israel. It incorporates the findings of seven case studies conducted at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's NEVET Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training for Children in Need. Each case study applies a context-informed approach to the study of perspectives of risk and protection among parents, children and professionals from different communities in Israel, utilizing varied qualitative methodologies. The volume analyses the importance of studying children and parents's perspectives in diverse societies and stresses the need for a context-informed perspective in designing prevention and intervention programs for children at risk and their families living in diverse societies. It further explores potential contribution to theory, research, practice, policy and training in the area of child maltreatment.
Table of contents:
Introduction: The Israeli Stage for Context-Informed Perspective on Child Risk and Protection
Dorit Roer-Strier, Yochay Nadan / Pages 1-12
The Evolving Concept of Risk and Israel’s Child Policy
Nofar Mazursky, Asher Ben-Arieh/ Pages 13-26
Context-Informed Research on Child Risk and Protection: Principles and Challenges
Ibtisam Marey-Sarwan, Natalie Ulitsa/ Pages 27-40
Risk Complexity—Culture and Identity in Migration: The Case of Ethiopian Jews
Michal Gatenio-Kalush, Shelly Engdau-Vanda, Naomi Shmuel/ Pages 41-59
Shelly Engdau-Vanda, Michal Gatenio-Kalush, Bat-Hen Karni / Pages 61-80
Rivka Keesing, Netanel Gemara, Mani Pollak /Pages 81-104
Hannah Bartl, Heidi Keller, Natali Zohar, Nira Wahle/ Pages 105-129
Perceptions of Risk and Protection among French Immigrant Mothers in Israel
Noémie Bloomberg, Yan Serdtse, Dorit Roer-Strier/ Pages 131-148
Ibtisam Marey-Sarwan, Galit Meir/ Pages 149-170
Natalie Ulitsa, Lital Yona, Anna Gogonsky, Dorit Roer-Strier/ Pages 171-196
Lital Yona/ Pages 197-215
Lior Birger/ Pages 217-240
Bella Kovner/ Pages 241-261
Young Children’s Perspectives of Risk and Protection
Yael Ponizovsky-Bergelson, Yael Dayan, Ibtisam Marey-Sarwan, Dorit Roer-Strier, Nira Wahle/ Pages 263-287
Dafna Tener, Amitai Marmor, Efrat Lusky Weisrose, Aya Almog-Zaken, Tsofnat Melamed Filtser, Shosh Turjeman / Pages 289-304
Netanel Gemara/ Pages 305-315
Yochay Nadan, Dorit Roer-Strier/ Pages 317-331