NEVET's Book "Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel"  is published! | NEVET

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NEVET's Book "Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel"  is published!

3 October, 2020
NEVET's Book "Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel"  is published!

Our book is published and will be available on line. It is with great excitment and apreciation that we congratulate and thank each of you for your wonderful contribution to this book. As the  African proverb, we often use in NEVET, says: "If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together".
It was such a challange, honor, and pleasuure, going together with you  to explore risk and protection in diverse groups and contexts in Israel. 

Read more about Nevet's book: Here