NEVET is an international, multidisciplinary research and training venue at the Hebrew University's School of Social Work. It produces context-informed practice and policy research for professionals working with families and children in multicultural contexts.
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Upcoming Events
NEVET Seminar- Research methods Jordan Shaiba
Wed, 18/12/202408:45
NEVET Seminar- Literature review Ronit Mekonen
Wed, 04/12/202408:50
The Decade Conference- NEVET Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training
Wed, 11/10/2023
NEVET Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training is celebrating a decade since its establishment
at a special conference that will be held on
11/10/23, room 283
the School of Social Work and Social Welfare,
the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
You are invited to register for the conference at the following link: